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1939 S Jefferson Nickel

1939 S Jefferson Nickel
San Francisco
0.02 oz
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Unlike the 1939(P) and 1939 D nickels, this older reverse subtype comprises nearly two-thirds of the 1939 S mintage. Gems are scarce, and those having 5FS are quite rare.

For both reverse subtypes the quality of 1939 S nickels was very inconsistent, with the majority having mediocre luster, weak details and sometimes crude die-polishing lines in the fields.

The Reverse of 1940 edition of the 1939 S nickel is slightly more scarce than that having the older reverse, but most collectors are more focused on overall quality and the completeness of Monticello's steps than these hub varieties.

Most 1939 S nickels reveal worn dies that display erosion lines near the borders and erratic luster. This issue is quite scarce in gem condition, while those having either five or six full steps are genuinely rare.


Philadelphia Denver San Francisco
120,627,535 3,514,000 6,630,000