Home :: Proof Sets :: Clad Quarter (1999-Date) :: 2003 United States Mint 50 State Quarters Proof Set (Q03)

2003 United States Mint 50 State Quarters Proof Set (Q03)

2003 United States Mint 50 State Quarters Proof Set (Q03)
3.00 oz
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The official 5-coin United States Mint 50 State Quarters Proof Set for 2003 is the fifth annual set in the ten-year series celebrating each of the 50 states in the order in which they entered the union. Few coins today have the degree of artistry and detail that is so beautifully revealed in a proof coin. The set includes all five proof quarters issued under the 50 State Quarters Program for 2003 and celebrates the unique heritage of the states - Illinois, Land of Lincoln; Alabama, Spirit of Courage; Maine, Pemaquid Point Light; Missouri, Corps of Discovery; and Arkansas, Natural Resources.

The set comes in its original Mint packaging and COA.


San Francisco Proof Issue Price
1,235,832 $13.95