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Kennedy Half Dollar 2014

Kennedy Half Dollar 2014
Philadelphia Denver San Francisco
0.04 oz
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Obverse: The obverse shows a portrait of John Fitzgerald Kennedy, the youngest-ever-elected president. United States Mint Sculptor-Engraver Gilroy Roberts based this profile on a portrait prepared for Kennedy's presidential medal. Roberts created this design immediately after Kennedy's assassination.

Reverse: The design on the back of Kennedy half-dollar, by United States Mint Scupltor-Engraver Frank Gasparro, is based on the presidential seal. It consists of a heraldic eagle with a shield on its breast, holding a symbolic olive branch and a bundle of 13 arrows. A ring of 50 stars surrounds the design, which gives this coin the distinction of having more stars than any other circulating coin.


Philadelphia Denver Proof Silver Proof
2,500,000 2,100,000 665,100; 393,032