Home :: Nickels :: Liberty Nickels (1883 - 1912) :: 1912 D Liberty Nickel

1912 D Liberty Nickel

1912 D Liberty Nickel
1912 D
0.03 oz
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Both the San Francisco and Denver Mints had been established for the coining of gold and silver exclusively, with minor coinage limited to Philadelphia. But as these coins gained greater currency in the West, legislation was passed in 1906 permitting both facilities to strike minor coins and authorizing funding for the same.

The Denver mintage of nickels was small in comparison to that of Philadelphia, but circulated examples are fairly common in lower grades. The popularity of coin boards, introduced in 1935, saw to that. The typical 1912-D nickel is less than fully struck, particularly in the hair at Liberty's forehead.

Surprisingly, not a single re-punched mintmark variety is known for this issue.


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