Home :: Nickels :: Buffalo Nickels (1913 - 1938) :: 1914 S Buffalo Nickel

1914 S Buffalo Nickel

1914 S Buffalo Nickel
San Francisco
0.05 oz
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1914-S is far more available in grades VF through choice mint state than might be expected for a low mintage date.

The strike varies widely. Both mushy and well struck pieces are common; the former are often semi-proof like. One of the peculiarities of this and other coin types is that the most fully struck examples have just so-so luster, while the most dazzling pieces are usually a bit soft in places. When the dies were not set closely enough, the result was often a coin with ill-defined high points but brilliant, very smooth surfaces. What one is seeing in such coins is the original surface of the unstruck planchets. These were cleaned and buffed to a bright finish that was typically altered by the compression of the dies. Where the dies failed to fully compress that surface, the coin retained the planchet’s distinctive quality.

Varieties:A 1914/3 over-date is the most desirable variety for this date, though it’s challenging to detect.


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USAF Veteran Owned and Operated

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