Home :: Nickels :: Buffalo Nickels (1913 - 1938) :: 1916 D Buffalo Nickel

1916 D Buffalo Nickel

1916 D Buffalo Nickel
0.05 oz
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1916-D is not particularly scarce in all grades short of gem. The latter are rare.

Although well struck pieces can be found with perseverance, most are weak in the central obverse and the bison’s head and shoulder. Examples grading Good with a full date are scarce. This is true of many dates in the 1913-18 period, as their dates were quite delicately drawn.

1916-D nickels usually have good to excellent luster, though they suffer from overly worn dies. Varieties:One reverse die features a misplaced mintmark that appears to be embedded in the C of CENTS.


Philadelphia Denver San Francisco
63,497,466 13,333,000 11,860,000
1960 Lincoln Cent
2002 United States Mint Silver Proof Set (V02)
2005 United States Mint Silver Proof Set (V50)
1975 United States Mint Proof Set
2001 New York BU Roll
1995 United States Mint Uncirculated Coin Set
Bill Of Rights Half Dollar (1993)
Lincoln Cent 2015
Lincoln Cent Roll 2017
Gift certificates

USAF Veteran Owned and Operated

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