Home :: Nickels :: Buffalo Nickels (1913 - 1938) :: 1936 D Buffalo Nickel

1936 D Buffalo Nickel

1936 D Buffalo Nickel
0.05 oz
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1936-D nickels are somewhat challenging to locate in gem due to incomplete striking.

1936-D nickels are generally quite superior to the two Denver Mint issues that preceded them. While some are not fully struck, there are enough nice ones to meet the needs of the more discriminating collectors. Luster is typically very good to outstanding for this date.

As with all of the Buffalo Nickels from the late 1930s, this issue is sometimes subject to planchet flaws. When mintage’s increase as much as they did during this time period, the mints became less careful with both the planchets made in-house and those ordered from contractors.


  • Seven re-punched mintmark varieties are illustrated in Wexler/Miller, including two that are triple punched. One of the most popular D/D varieties is FS-1936D-502.
  • A 3-1/2-leg variety is known that shows the bison’s right foreleg partially removed through excessive die polishing (FS-1936D-901).

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