Home :: Nickels :: Jefferson (1938 - Date) :: 1950 Jefferson Nickel

1950 Jefferson Nickel

1950 Jefferson Nickel
0.02 oz
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This date had a very small mintage for a Philadelphia Mint nickel of the period, and this was due to a nasty recession that began in 1948 and did not end until 1950-51. Though overshadowed by the even lower mintage of 1950 D nickels, this issue was widely saved by the roll, and Mint State pieces are plentiful.

The overall quality of most 1950(P) nickels is disappointing, and collectors will need patience in selecting a suitable example. Slight softness of strike is usually combined with rather dull, grainy luster. Coins having either 5FS or 6FS are very rare.


Philadelphia Denver Proof
9,847,386 2,630,030 51,386
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USAF Veteran Owned and Operated

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