Home :: Nickels :: Jefferson (1938 - Date) :: 1959 D Jefferson Nickel

1959 D Jefferson Nickel

1959 D Jefferson Nickel
1959 D
0.02 oz
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From the late 1930s through the mid 1950s the Denver Mint had produced the most consistently well made coins, but increasing numbers in the late 1950s brought this serendipitous situation to a rapid decline. Attractive 1959 D nickels may be found with very careful searching, but all Denver Mint nickels of the 1960s are of noticeably lesser quality. The very low population of 5FS nickels for 1959 D is quite telling.

Just a few, very minor RPMs are known for this issue.


Philadelphia Denver Proof
28,397,291 160,738,240 1,149,291
1960 Jefferson Nickel
1961 Jefferson Nickel
1962 Jefferson Nickel
1963 Jefferson Nickel
1968 Jefferson Nickel
1969 Jefferson Nickel
1975 Jefferson Nickel
1987 Jefferson Nickel
1950 D Jefferson Nickel
Gift certificates

USAF Veteran Owned and Operated

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