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2004 United States Mint Silver Proof Set (V40)

2004 United States Mint Silver Proof Set (V40)
6.00 oz
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Enjoy proof sets that are considered to be the finest examples of U.S. coinage available. Proof coins are struck from specially selected and polished planchets (coin blanks). The dies used to strike these coins are specially prepared as well and highly polished. The planchets are hand fed into the striking press and special care is taken during the handling and packaging of the proof coins. Proof coins are struck twice to ensure an increased sharpness in detail. The coins also exhibit a mirror finish because of the polished die and planchet.

Each set includes all these 90% SILVER Gem Proof coins! All the 2004 State Quarters: Michigan, Florida, Texas, Iowa and Wisconsin, the 2004 Roosevelt Dime, and the 2004 Kennedy Half Dollar. Also includes 4 Gem Proof 2004 coins: the Lincoln Cent, Sacagawea Dollar, 2 Newly designed Jefferson Nickels celebrating America's Westward Journey: the Louisiana Purchase/Peace Medal design and the Lewis & Clark Expedition Keel Boat design.

These sets come to you in the original government packaging with the Certificate of Authenticity from the U.S. Mint.


San Francisco Proof Issue Price
1,175,934 $37.95
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Gift certificates

USAF Veteran Owned and Operated

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