Home :: Dollars :: Sacagawea (2000-2008) :: 2005 Sacagawea Dollar

2005 Sacagawea Dollar

2005 Sacagawea Dollar
Philadelphia Denver San Francisco
0.04 oz
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The obverse of the Sacagawea Golden Dollar coin features the likeness of Sacagawea, the young Shoshone woman who assisted Lewis and Clark on their expedition to the Pacific Northwest more than 200 years ago. The reverse design of the coin features a soaring bald eagle and 17 stars, one for each of the states at the time of the Lewis and Clark expedition.

Not Issued For Circulation


Philadelphia Denver Proof
2,520,000 2,520,000 3,344,679

Philadelphia (Satin) SMS Denver (Satin) SMS
1,160,000 1,160,000
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