Home :: Special Issued Sets :: Presidential $1 Coin Historical Signature Set :: 2007 United States Mint Presidential $1 Coin Historical Signature Set - James Madison (XM1)

2007 United States Mint Presidential $1 Coin Historical Signature Set - James Madison (XM1)

2007 United States Mint Presidential $1 Coin Historical Signature Set - James Madison (XM1)
0.46 oz
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A new collection of products featuring the 2007 Presidential $1 Coins honoring the Presidents of the United States is being introduced. The United States Mint Presidential $1 Coin Historical Signature Set features the proof version of the Presidential $1 Coin and a Presidential intaglio print from the Bureau of Engraving and Printing. The product is presented in a textured, leather-like folder which opens to reveal the intaglio print and the official Presidential signature. A Certificate of Authenticity accompanies each United States Mint Historical Signature Set.

The United States Mint Presidential $1 Coin Historical Signature Set – James Madison – is the fourth in this new collection. This product features a proof coin which is extraordinarily brilliant, with sharp relief and a mirror-like background. The frosted, sculpted foreground gives a special cameo effect. An image of President James Madison appears on the obverse of the coin and the reverse features a striking rendition of the Statue of Liberty. The Presidential $1 Coins also feature edge-incused inscriptions of the year, “E Pluribus Unum,” “In God We Trust,” and the mint mark. Each coin is mounted in a removable capsule.

Visible from the cover of the United States Mint Presidential $1 Coin Historical Signature Set is the Presidential intaglio print of James Madison printed by the Bureau of Engraving and Printing. Opening the cover reveals the official James Madison Presidential signature, courtesy of the White House Historical Association.

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