Home :: Half Dollar :: Franklin (1948-1963)

Franklin (1948-1963)

Franklin’s right-facing portrait occupies much of the obverse. LIBERTY forms an arc inside the top rim and IN GOD WE TRUST a second arc inside the bottom rim. The date is placed to the right of the portrait, below the chin, extending nearly to the T in TRUST. The Liberty Bell dominates the center of the reverse, with UNITED STATES oF AMERICA encircling around the top and HALF DOLLAR, in slightly larger text, around the bottom. The phrase E PLURIBUS UNUM, in three lines and with a dot on both sides of E, is to the left of the bell, and a small eagle is to right. The eagle rests on a perch, with wings partially outstretched. San Francisco (S) and Denver (D) mintmarks are located above the wood beam holding the bell.

Franklin Halves were minted in three locations; Philadelphia, San Francisco, and Denver. Philadelphia minted coins every year from 1948 to 1963. Denver issued coins from 1948-54, 1957-63. San Francisco struck coins only in 1949, 1951-54.

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