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Gerald R. Ford Presidential Dollar 2016

Gerald R. Ford Presidential Dollar 2016
Uncirculated Proof
0.04 oz
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The design inscriptions on the obverse of the 2016 Gerald Ford Presidential $1 Coin are:
  • 38th PRESIDENT
  • 1974-1977
Gerald Rudolph Ford was born Leslie Lynch King, Jr. on July 14, 1913, in Omaha, Nebraska. Following the separation and eventual divorce of his parents, his mother married Gerald R. Ford, a Grand Rapids paint salesman. His name was legally changed in 1935.

Ford graduated from the University of Michigan in 1935 and later Yale, where he earned a law degree while coaching the football team.

Following a stint in the U.S. Navy during World War II, Ford campaigned for the U.S. House of Representatives, serving from January 3, 1949, to December 6, 1973, when he was appointed vice president in 1973, and roughly nine months later, he was thrust into the presidency when Richard Nixon resigned.

Highlights of Ford's administration include:

  • Initiating a program to grant clemency to Vietnam War draft evaders
  • Launching the Whip Inflation Now program, designed to curb inflation
  • Signing the Federal Elections Campaign Act of 1974, an early attempt at campaign finance reform
  • Granting Richard Nixon a full pardon, becoming the first sitting president to testify before a congressional committee to explain his action


Philadelphia Denver Proof
5,460,000 5,040,000 931,866
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Gift certificates

USAF Veteran Owned and Operated

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