Home :: Cents :: Lincoln Shield (2010-Date) :: Lincoln Cent 2020

Lincoln Cent 2020

Lincoln Cent 2020
Philadelphia Denver San Francisco
0.16 oz
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The 2020 Lincoln cent; these one-cent coins have a metallic content of 2.5 percent copper, balance zinc.


Philadelphia Denver Proof
3,560,800,000 4,035,600,000 823,306
1960 Lincoln Cent
1962 Lincoln Cent
1968 Lincoln Cent
1969 Lincoln Cent
Kennedy Half Dollar 1976
Yellowstone National Park Quarter (Wyoming) 2010
2009 Roosevelt Dime
Vicksburg National Military Park Quarter (Mississippi) 2011
Acadia National Park Quarter (Maine) 2012
Gift certificates

USAF Veteran Owned and Operated

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