Home :: Certified :: Nickels :: Return to Monticello (2006-Date) :: PCGS 2015-S Jefferson Nickel PR 70 DCAM

PCGS 2015-S Jefferson Nickel PR 70 DCAM

PCGS 2015-S Jefferson Nickel PR 70 DCAM
San Francisco
1.30 oz
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Philadelphia Denver Proof
752,880,000 846,720,000 1,099,412
2004 Jefferson Nickel Peace Medal
1997 United States Mint Uncirculated Coin Set
1994 Roosevelt Dime
2004 Lincoln Cent
Lincoln Wheat Cent Roll 1953
American Innovation 2019 $1 Proof Set (19GA)
American Buffalo Silver Dollar (2001)
Lincoln Cent 2022
PCGS 1989-S Jefferson Nickel PR 70 DCAM
Gift certificates

USAF Veteran Owned and Operated

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