Home :: Nickels :: Liberty Nickels (1883 - 1912) :: 1897 Liberty Nickel

1897 Liberty Nickel

1897 Liberty Nickel
0.23 oz
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1897 ushered in a period of consistently high annual mintages that extended through the end of this series in 1912, the only exceptions being the Denver and San Francisco strikings of that final year.

High mintages did not equate to high quality. In fact, these later dates are rather difficult to find with full strikes. The dies were run too long, with erosion appearing in the form of granular or pebbly texture at the peripheries.

There are numerous re-punched date varieties for the 1897 nickel, though only one is compelling enough to interest general collectors.


1926 Lincoln Wheat Cent
1971 Roosevelt Dime
1984 Lincoln Cent
2005 Lincoln Cent
Kennedy Half Dollar 1966
Uncirculated Coin Set 2009 (U09)
Washington Quarter 1964 D
Gift certificates

USAF Veteran Owned and Operated

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