Home :: Nickels :: 1898 Liberty Nickel

1898 Liberty Nickel

1898 Liberty Nickel
0.23 oz
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Though its mintage fell below that of the previous year, the 1898 nickel is relatively common through the lower Mint State grades. Most coins of this date are less than fully struck, though the dull luster seen on nickels of the late 1880s and early '90s is not as prevalent.

At least two re-punched mintmark varieties are known for this date, and both are intriguing enough to carry modest premiums.


Andrew Jackson Presidential Dollar 2008
2002 United States Mint 50 State Quarters Proof Set (Q02)
2003 Maine BU Roll
1990 United States Mint Uncirculated Coin Set
1933 Lincoln Wheat Cent
2009 District of Columbia Quarter
2001 Lincoln Cent
1975 Jefferson Nickel
Olympic Commemorative Proof Dollar Set (1983 & 1984)
Gift certificates

USAF Veteran Owned and Operated

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