Home :: Cents :: Lincoln Wheat (1909-1958) :: 1912 Lincoln Wheat Cent

1912 Lincoln Wheat Cent

1912 Lincoln Wheat Cent
0.02 oz
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Though its mintage is a bit low for a Philadelphia Mint cent of this decade, 1912(P) is not a scarce coin in Mint State. It seems that the number of such pieces surviving for each date is not affected by mintage until that figure becomes very low, as a certain number of each issue will survive through similar chance circumstances.

Most 1912(P) are reasonably well struck.


Philadelphia Denver San Francisco
68,153,060 10,411,000 4,431,000
1909 VDB Lincoln Wheat Cent
1913 Lincoln Wheat Cent
Lincoln Wheat Cent Roll 1940
Lincoln Wheat Cent Roll 1945
Lincoln Wheat Cent Roll 1948
Lincoln Wheat Cent Roll 1949
Lincoln Wheat Cent Roll 1955
1925 D Lincoln Wheat Cent
1925 S Lincoln Wheat Cent
Gift certificates

USAF Veteran Owned and Operated

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