Home :: Cents :: Lincoln Wheat (1909-1958) :: 1918 D Lincoln Wheat Cent

1918 D Lincoln Wheat Cent

1918 D Lincoln Wheat Cent
0.02 oz
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Despite a very high mintage, the 1918-D cent is rare in top grades. These coins were poorly made, with overused dies that were seemingly set slightly further apart than ideal to extend their lives. Fully struck examples are thus very elusive, and those displaying full red color are extremely rare. Most pieces certified as MS RD have a bit subdued, slightly pinkish color.

Mint Director Raymond T. Baker commented on the unprecedented production of cents in his Annual Report: "Internal revenue taxes on amusement entrance fees and on numerous other services, as well as increased street car fares and additions to other prices, required many 1-cent pieces." The Denver Mint alone used some 467 cent dies this year.


Philadelphia Denver San Francisco
288,104,634 47,830,000 34,680,000
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USAF Veteran Owned and Operated

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