Home :: Nickels :: Buffalo Nickels (1913 - 1938) :: 1920 D Buffalo Nickel

1920 D Buffalo Nickel

1920 D Buffalo Nickel
0.05 oz
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The 1920-D nickel is a very scarce coin in the higher circulated grades and in all mint state grades. It is particularly elusive in the most popular grades of VF-AU.

Overall rarity is a factor in making this coin difficult to acquire, but striking problems play a greater role. Although not as mushy as 1919-D, it still exhibits a general softness which is most pronounced at the bison’s right hind leg and tail.

1920-D nickels typically have disappointing luster. Most are frosty or have the soft, metallic look that has sometimes been described as “liquid mercury.” Moderate to deep toning is not unusual for this date.

This was the last coinage of nickels at the Denver Mint until 1924. The huge mintages of minor coins prompted by the wartime boom of 1916-20 collided with the severe economic recession of 1921-22. The U. S. Mint director’s annual reports clearly reveal that there was simply a glut of coins during the early 1920s, and it wasn’t until the latter months of 1923 that a demand appeared for additional pieces.


  • A boldly re-punched mintmark variety exists (FS-1920D-501).
  • At least two cud breaks are known for this issue, one giving the bison his familiar hat and the other taking away part of the word CENTS.

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