Home :: Cents :: Lincoln Wheat (1909-1958) :: 1920 Lincoln Wheat Cent

1920 Lincoln Wheat Cent

1920 Lincoln Wheat Cent
0.02 oz
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This issue proved to be the last wartime-induced high mintage cent, and 20 years would pass before the 310 million mark was exceeded. Examples are common in all grades, and there are enough fully red gems to satisfy the most competitive registry collectors.

Most 1920(P) cents are reasonably well struck, but none offer the wealth of fine details seen on some 1916-17 cents. The obverse master hub wore down from the generation of so many dies during the booming war years, and Lincoln's portrait afterward continued to deteriorate steadily through 1968.


Philadelphia Denver San Francisco
310,165,00 49,280,000 46,220,000
1909 VDB Lincoln Wheat Cent
1913 Lincoln Wheat Cent
Lincoln Wheat Cent Roll 1940
Lincoln Wheat Cent Roll 1945
Lincoln Wheat Cent Roll 1948
Lincoln Wheat Cent Roll 1949
Lincoln Wheat Cent Roll 1955
1925 D Lincoln Wheat Cent
1925 S Lincoln Wheat Cent
Gift certificates

USAF Veteran Owned and Operated

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