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Lincoln Wheat Cent Roll 1916

Lincoln Wheat Cent Roll 1916
0.02 oz
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1916 Lincoln Wheat Cent Roll - 50 coins

The obverse of the coin features a bust en-profile of the 16th President of the United States. The president is facing to the right from the viewers point of view. Above the portrait is the motto "IN GOD WE TRUST." Appearing to the left of Lincoln is the word "LIBERTY" and to the right are the year and mint mark.

The reverse design features a pair of wheat stalks, with the denomination "ONE CENT" and "UNITED STATES OF AMERICA" encompassed within the stalks. Above the denomination are the Latin words "E PLURIBUS UNUM".


Philadelphia Denver San Francisco
131,833,677 35,956,000 22,510,000
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Gift certificates

USAF Veteran Owned and Operated

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