Home :: Nickels :: Buffalo Nickels (1913 - 1938) :: 1935 S Buffalo Nickel

1935 S Buffalo Nickel

1935 S Buffalo Nickel
San Francisco
0.05 oz
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1935-S nickels are common in all grades through choice mint state. Gems are a little more challenging, as most coins of this date are not fully struck. Original rolls may still exist.

Most 1935-S nickels are not fully struck, though it’s less of a problem than for the Denver nickels of this date. Most examples have good to outstanding luster. The real trick to finding the optimal specimen is seeking a coin that has both great luster and a sharp impression. Such pieces are truly rare.

The large number of re-punched mintmark dies used during 1934-38 was likely due to the increased demand for coinage after several fallow years. To meet this demand the Philadelphia Mint’s engraving department took on a number of new employees. The existence of so many clumsily prepared dies suggests that the proper technique for punching mintmarks was an acquired skill.


  • Six re-punched mintmark varieties are illustrated in The RPM Book by John Wexler and Tom Miller and no less than eleven in Wexler’s Treasure Hunting Buffalo Nickels, co-authored with Ron Pope and Kevin Flynn.
  • A minor doubled-die reverse is also known for this issue (FS-1935S-801).

Philadelphia Denver San Francisco
58,264,000 12,092,000 10,300,000
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