Home :: Certified :: Nickels :: PCGS 2005-S Jefferson Nickel American Bison PR 70 DCAM

PCGS 2005-S Jefferson Nickel American Bison PR 70 DCAM

PCGS 2005-S Jefferson Nickel American Bison PR 70 DCAM
San Francisco
1.30 oz
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Philadelphia Denver Proof
448,320,000 487,680,000 2,275,000
1920 Lincoln Wheat Cent
2002 Lincoln Cent
2006 Westward Journey Nickel Series Coin Set (6W1)
2001 - Kentucky First Day Coin Cover (Q24)
2004 - Texas First Day Coin Cover (Q37)
2014 Roosevelt Dime
1912 D Liberty Nickel
White Mountain National Forest - 3 Coin Set (New Hampshire) 2013
Special Olympics World Games Silver Dollar (1995)
Gift certificates

USAF Veteran Owned and Operated

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